Monday, February 15, 2010

The Natural Dying Process

When a person enters the final stages of death and two different dynamics at work that are closely related and consistent. Therefore, as you seek to prepare yourself, because this approach, and members of care team, your shelter, I want you to know what to expect and how to respond in a way that could help a loved one accomplish this transition with support and understanding and easy. This is a great gift of love that you offer your beloved because this approach for a while.

Dynamics of two
On the material and the body begins the process of closure, which will end when all the physical systems cease and function. Typically, this is a series of gradual and orderly stimuli and non-physical are not medical emergencies requiring invasive interventions. These physical changes are normal, natural way in which the body is preparing to stop and the types most appropriate responses are comfort enhancing measures.
Other dynamics for the dying process is at work on the spiritual and emotional mentally is another type of procedure. "Spirit" of the dying person begins the final process of release of the body, and its immediate environs, and all accessories. This release also tends to follow its own priorities, which include the solution of whatever is unfinished of a practical nature - from close relations of reconciliation and acceptance in a statement to "leave" from members of the family.These events are "normal, natural way in the Spirit, who is preparing to move from this materialistic - the world's presence in the next dimension of life. The most appropriate types of emotional responses to psychological spiritual evolution are those who support and encourage this release and transition.
When the body of a person is ready and wants to stop, but a person who has not yet been resolved, or not settled on some important issues or a meaningful relationship with some, and he or she will tend to linger on despite the weakness or very uncomfortable for the completion of everything that needs finishing. On the other hand, when a person is emotionally - spiritually - mentally resolved and ready for this release, but his body has not completed the process of the final material, people continue to live near a complete physical.
Experience we call death occurs when the body's natural process is accomplished for the closure and when the "spirit" of a natural process is completed to reflect the finishes. These processes must occur in a manner appropriate to the values and beliefs and lifestyle of the person will die, even death can occur following the publication of the Pacific.
And physical and spiritual signs of emotional, mental and symptoms of impending death which follow and offer to help you help you understand the kind of natural things that can happen and how it can react accordingly. Not all these signs and symptoms that occur with each person, and it does not occur in that particular order. Each person is unique and has been more characteristic of a loved one lived in the method will affect how close the final version arrives.
This is not the time to try to change any member of his family, but it is time to give full acceptance, support and comfort.
Signs and regular physical Symptoms with appropriate response
Coolness - and the hands of the person and then the arms, feet and legs May colder to the touch at a time, skin color has changed. This is a pointer and it is natural that the blood flow is reduced to the body and parts and is reserved for the most vital organs kept the person warm with a blanket, but do not use hedging heating.
Sleep - The person may spend an amount more time to sleep, seems to be silent and unresponsive. This change is the natural result of a large portion of changes in metabolism in the body. Sit with a loved one, and holding his hand does not shake or speak loudly, but speak calmly and naturally. Do not speak of a person in his presence. Tell him or her directly as you normally would, although there may be no answer.
Disorientation - and the person apparently a waste of time and place, and the identity of the people around him or her. This is also partly due to changes in metabolism. Identify yourself by name before speaking, rather than asking someone to guess who you are. Speak calmly, clearly and honestly, when you need to communicate something important for patient comfort, such as: "It is time to take the drugs," explaining why the connection, such as, "to do not start to hurt. " Do not use this method in an attempt to answer the patient to meet your needs.
Incontinence - Any person may lose control of urine and / or questions intestine and muscles in this region of the sense of security. Discussion with the Hospice nurse what can be done to protect the bed and keep your loved one clean and comfortable.
Insomnia - The person to calm down and repeated requests. This happens often, partly due to a decrease in oxygen circulation to the brain and metabolic changes. These changes also may temporarily change the characters. Does not interfere with or attempt to curb such requests. To have a calming effect, speak in a normal quiet, light massage the forehead, and read to that person, or do some soothing music.
Fluid and reduced food - Anyone who wants to start with food and little or no liquid. This means that the organization is to maintain the other functions in the field of energy that would be spent to address these issues. Do not try to force food or drink to the person, or attempt to use guilt to be used when eating or drinking a little. To reduce a person does a lot more uncomfortable.Small chips of ice or frozen juice Gatorade May refreshing in the mouth. Glycerin swabs may help keep the mouth and lips moist and comfortable. A damp towel and cool on the forehead may also increase physical comfort.
Reduced urine - and the person is generally lower urine production due to the reduction of fluid in the body, and a decrease in circulation through the kidneys. Consult your Hospice nurse to determine if it may be necessary to insert a catheter or irrigation.
Change the mode of breathing - and the average person breathe distinctive patter has changed with the beginning and another rhythm of breathing that alternate with periods of no breathing.That's what Cheney called the "Stokes" and symptoms are very common. It refers to a decrease in blood flow in the internal organs of the body. Raise the head in May to help bring comfort. Holding hands. Speak softly.

Natural spiritual emotional, mental - banners
Symptoms and appropriate responses

Withdrawal - and the person appears insensitive May, withdrawn or in a state similar to coma.This indicates preparation for release, and separated from its surroundings and relationships, and the beginning of "letting go". As each end of the session remain, and speak of a loved one in your normal tone of voice, identify yourself by your name when you speak, hold his hand and say what you mean to help the person, "let it slip away. "
List similar test - Any person may speak or claim to speak for people who are already dead.They may say they see or have seen places not accessible at present or visible to you. This does not refer to depression or drug response. This person is taking part with this life, and is currently preparing for the transition process, so it will not be afraid .. Do not contradict, explain, discuss or belittle what the person who claims to have seen or heard. Just because you can not see or hear that does not mean they are real for a loved one. Provide him or her expertise. It is natural and common. If a loved one has been frightened, and tells him or her to be normal
Insomnia - The person may perform repetitive tasks, and chest tightness. In part, this may show that the unsolved cases or something unfinished that concern, or her, and prevent them from letting go. Hospice of your team members will help you determine what may happen, and help you find ways to help the person find release from tension or fear. Among other things, that may be useful for calming the person are to recall a favorite place for your family enjoyed the experience preferred, read something comforting, play music and provide assurance that it is okay to let go of our hands.
Liquids and reduce food - and when you do not want or little food, and this May indicates that the person is ready to close final. You may help your loved one by giving permission to leave when he or she is ready for it. At the same time, we assure you of a relative of the current value for you and as you advance in your life that I received from him or her.
Decreased socialization - and permissible for a person just wants to be with very little or even a single person. It is a sign to prepare for the release of stress support is most needed to make the transition from the approach. If you were not part of the "inner circle" at the end, this does not mean you do not like or no importance. This means that you have fulfilled your task with him or her, and it is time to say "goodbye". If you're part of the final "inner circle", and loved one needs to affirm, support and permission.
Unusual Communications - Any person who provides what seems "out of character" is not required or statement or gesture of request. This indicates that it is ready to say "goodbye" and is "testing" to see if you're willing to let him go. Accept the time as a gift when it is displayed.Kiss, hug, and held, cry, and say what you need most to say.
Giving permission - permission to give a loved one go without making him or feel guilty about leaving or trying to keep him or her with you to meet your needs can be difficult. A person usually die in the attempt to take, even if it brings comfort to long periods of time to ensure that those who are left behind will go well. Therefore, your ability to liberate people die because of this concern and give him to ensure that everything is just starting when he or she is ready is one of the greatest gifts you must give your property loved at that time.
Say Goodbye - when a person is ready to die and I was able to leave, then it is time to say "goodbye". Saying "Goodbye" is your last gift of love for a loved one, because it achieves closure and makes the final release. May be useful to stay in bed with someone and it does not move, or take a hand and say everything you need to say this, then you never say to yourself: "Why not say this or that. "him or her.
May be as simple as saying: "I love you." It may include the story of your favorite memories, places and activities common to you. It could be said: "I'm sorry for what has contributed to any tension or difficulties in our relations." It may also be included, saying: "Thank you for ...." Tears are part of a normal and natural to say goodbye. Tears should not be hidden for a loved one or apologized. Tears express your love and help you let go of our hands.

How will you know when death has happened?

Signs of death are things like not breathing, heartbeat, release of bowel and bladder, no response, eyelids slightly open, eyes fixed on a certain spot, that is, extremism and jaw relaxed and mouth slightly open. Please contact the Office of the shelter at the time of death. There are calls that should be at the time by the staff of the Hospice.
The Hospice nurse will help you if necessary or desired. If you do not support is available by phone.
The body must be moved until you are ready. If the family is ready to assist in the preparation of the body by bathing or dressing, which may be made.

Thank you

Thank you for the palliative care in honor of your help to care for your loved one. We salute you for what you did to contain the care of a close understanding, provide a loved one with comfort and calm, and the emancipation of a loved one to leave this world a particular sense of peace and love.
You gave your beloved and one of the most wonderful gifts, beautiful and sensitive that we are able to man, and in the gift giving has provided a gift for yourself.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Natural Recourse Sharing For the Sake of Peace and Prosperity

The anticipated Iran-Pakistan-India (IPI/”Peace Pipeline”) pipeline may end up running only through Iran/Pakistan as India backed out from the project last week says Muhammad Abbasi, Pakistani Ambassador to Iran. Delhi’s withdrawal comes simultaneously as the US pressures Islamabad to disengage from the multibillion dollar project set for completion in 2013. This adds to the list of obstacles IPI faced since it was conceptualized in the 1990’s. From international pressures, prolonged funding negotiations, to domestic insecurities and reservations, the pipeline has yet to begin construction. However, Pakistan stresses urgency in moving forward with construction in the face of alarming energy shortages :

Only 60% of households have electricity and 18% access to pipeline gas for heating. Energy demand is expected to increase 250% over the next 20 years. To meet expected demand, electrical generating capacity must grow by 50% from 20.4 gigawatts to 30.6 gigawatts by 2010

As a result, Islamabad works diligently to address the issue. President Zardari is dealing closely with the Chinese on hydel projects in underdeveloped areas of the north and this May, the 7.5 billion dollar deal allowing Iranian oil supplies to Pakistan was officially signed. It initially permits 30 million cubic meters of gas per day and later to 60 million whichgreatly begins to alleviate the energy crisis:

Pakistan’s domestic gas production is falling and import dependence growing tremendously. By connecting itself with the world’s 2nd largest gas reserve, Pakistan guarantees a reliable supply for decades. If the pipeline were to be extended to India it could also be an instrument for stability in often tense Pakistan-India relations. Under any scenario of pipeline expansion which makes Pakistan a transit state, Islamabad stands to gain from transit fees hundreds of millions of dollars every year.

Given such potential, it’s not surprising Pakistan is intent on moving forward with IPI regardless of pressure from D.C. Despite Special Envoy Holbrooke’s diplomatic suggestions that the United States might “link funds committed by the Democratic Friends of Pakistan” to their cooperation with Iran on IPI, foreign minister Shah Mahmood Qureshi maintained Pakistan’s urgency:

“The gas pipeline construction agreement with Iran and Pakistan will by no means go under the U.S. pressures,”

But some experts insist that without American support to release funding and loan guarantees, financing of IPI will make the 2013 deadline unfeasible. This poses problems for Pakistan, and on the American front, there are differing concerns. HOping to maintain US authority and secure interests in the region, President Obama shifts starkly from the previous administration using more engagement and soft power with Iran. So American moves to work with the international community in economically choking Iran and ultimately eliciting behavior from Tehran are diminished as Iranian influence increases through international projects such as IPI. Hardline Bush Administration and more diplomatic Obama led policies are interesting yielding similar ends as Iran continues to expand trade and relations with the international community. This flouts hard, soft, all stances the United States takes in attempting to contain Tehran.

For instance, a vastly constructed pipeline running over 2,775 kilometers (1,725 miles)from the Persian Gulf in Iran, through Baluchistan to a port in Karachi and then north to New Delhi creates “an unbreakable long term political and economic dependence” of billions of people from Pakistan, to India and potentially extending to China.

The prospect of the entire subcontinent being “dependent” on Iran actually sounds alarming, but if we look at certain realities it’s perhaps far fetched. Firstly, any semblance of an actual dependence is most likely only applied to Pakistan given their current energy crisis, the cost effectiveness and efficiency of natural gas as opposed to developing LNG sources: India on the other handhas “two LNG terminals and will complete a third terminal by this year. Two additional terminals have also been proposed, and several companies are examining viability of constructing additional LNG import sites”. So Delih is far less likely to be entirely reliant on Tehran for natural gas because developments in LNG and civilian nuclear projects. Plus, India’s long, strong alliance with Russia allows for a convenient energy supplier to the north if need be. In fact, for Moscow IPI is an opportunity to quell thoughts that Tehran will compete in supplying natural gas to EU markets. Russia’s deputy energy minister explains:

“It is therefore in Russia’s interest to derail the Nabucco project by diverting Iran’s gas away from Europe and locking it to the Asian market. We are ready to join the project as soon as we receive an offer”

Thus a point of contention for Moscow and Washington. DC’s fears are further exacerbated by a potential of IPI eventually ensuring energy supplies to long standing Pakistani ally, China with shipments along the Karakoram Highway through future pipelines . The argument is that hopes of modifying Iranian behavior with economic pressures plus our mutual hedging with China suffers if IPI is constructed. Again, this relies on the assumption that billions of Indians and Chinese become “dependent” on Iranian gas supplies, which I find unlikely. Pakistan if anyone, is likely to become heavily reliant on those supplies in the next couple decades should IPI be executed as planned. Thus suggested solutions point to alternative pipelines that bypass Iran:

“A rival gas-pipeline project — the Turkmenistan-Afghanistan-Pakistan-India (TAPI) carrying gas from Daulatabad in Turkmenistan via Herat and Kandahar in Afghanistan to Multan in central Pakistan is one such alternative”

But this concept is contingent to a stable Afghanistan, which most experts indicate is not in the near future. Without stabilizing Afghanistan and given chilly relations with India, TAPI is not likely to move forward without overcoming numerous diplomatic and security obstacles. And Pakistan’s energy crisis doesn’t afford Islamabad time to wait for the international community to stabilize Afghanistan or warming relations with India.